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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Task #4 (How to write an effective minutes of meeting.)

Salam and Hi everyone.

For the next task for my group is to find information on how to write an effective minutes of meeting. After some research and studies i have done through website and English lesson books, I finally summarize every importance information on how to write an effective minutes of meeting from the research that I've done. You guys can check it out on the mind map that I have prepared for you. Well, let me explain how to write an effective minutes of meeting in my understanding.

A minutes of meeting are the instant written record of a meeting or hearing. They often give an overview of the structure of the meeting, starting with a list of those present, a statement of the various issues before the participants, and each of their responses thereto. They are often created at the moment of the hearing by a typist or court recorder at the meeting, who may record the meeting in shorthand, and then prepare the minutes and issue them to the participants afterwards. Alternatively, the meeting may be audio recorded or a group's appointed or informally assigned Secretary may take notes, with minutes prepared later. However it is often important for the minutes to be brief and concentrate on material issues rather than being a verbatim report, so the minute-taker should have sufficient understanding of the subject matter to achieve this. The minutes of certain entities, such as a corporate board of director, must be kept and are important legal documents.

The person who write minutes of meeting should:
  1. Know the purpose of the minutes of meeting
  2. Follow the right format
  3. Keep concise
  4. Keep it record 
This 4 important criteria should be considered by the writer before start to write it down. By following this criteria it can help you to write an effective minutes of meeting. 

Posted by:
Hilmi :)

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