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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Task #2 (Meetings)

Today, I learn a new topics and the topic is about Meetings. At first, I thought that, its only a general one where one person meet with another person and discuss for several hours about any issues or problem and try to find the best possible solution. I guess that is not enough to describe in detail about meetings. What is actually a meeting is all about?

Well during the lecture class, our beloved lecturer, again told us to seat together in group and brainstorming to find information about meeting and present it in front of the class. I guess, brainstorming nowadays really important in term of generating ideas. Thus, you cannot depend only on one idea right?  Well, lets get back to the topic. After brainstorming among group members, we finally find the meaning and information about it. A meeting actually is a gathering of people to present or exchange information, plan joint activities, make decisions, or carry out actions already agreed upon. Almost every group activity or project requires a meeting, or meetings, of some sort.

Group 1 present their ideas
Best idea so far for group 3
I think my group did well on the presentation also not to forget other too did well. I remember at one time during my group presentation, I find out that one of my group member, Maziar seem not agree or not satisfied with the question asked by the other group. Well I guess he present with full enthusiasm... hehehe credits to him because manage to answer all the question. Well done. I guess that's is for now till be continue.....

Posted by:
Hilmi :)

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