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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Task #5 (Make a correction on sample of minute of meeting)

The next task for my group is to do correction on sample of minutes of meeting given by Mrs Hasmawati. We need to find the wrong verb tense and correct it and arrange it in the correct format for minutes of meeting. We being told to present it through this blog and also on a piece of paper. Well it has been done and you guys can check it out here.

Confirmation of minutes (2 /2004)
The minutes of the last meeting (2/2004) has been noted and approved as true record of the meeting with minor amendments on the numbering.
Proposed by:  1) Mr. Muzayin Alimon
                       2) Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Fuad Wan Hassan

Item 4.1

List of representatives from electronic manufacturers.

Prof. Madya Dr. Luay Expressed that USM have a compiled list of manufacturer.

Dr. Luay will email to secretary this list for onward action.

Person responsible:
Prof. Madya Dr. Luay

Item 4.2

Specification for barites used in oil-well drilling and ISO 13500:1998.

Secretary reported that, ISO 13500:1998 petroleum and natural gas industries, drilling fluids material, specifications and tests have been forwarded to ISC H on petroleum and gas.

Members will be informed of the ISC H decision as soon as they had their next meeting, which are scheduled on late August / early September.
Person responsible:

We decided to correct it and to put it in the simple format since that the information given are not to detail. Hopefully, all the errors has been corrected well. That's it for now till be continue....

Posted by: 
Hilmi :) 

Task #4 (How to write an effective minutes of meeting.)

Salam and Hi everyone.

For the next task for my group is to find information on how to write an effective minutes of meeting. After some research and studies i have done through website and English lesson books, I finally summarize every importance information on how to write an effective minutes of meeting from the research that I've done. You guys can check it out on the mind map that I have prepared for you. Well, let me explain how to write an effective minutes of meeting in my understanding.

A minutes of meeting are the instant written record of a meeting or hearing. They often give an overview of the structure of the meeting, starting with a list of those present, a statement of the various issues before the participants, and each of their responses thereto. They are often created at the moment of the hearing by a typist or court recorder at the meeting, who may record the meeting in shorthand, and then prepare the minutes and issue them to the participants afterwards. Alternatively, the meeting may be audio recorded or a group's appointed or informally assigned Secretary may take notes, with minutes prepared later. However it is often important for the minutes to be brief and concentrate on material issues rather than being a verbatim report, so the minute-taker should have sufficient understanding of the subject matter to achieve this. The minutes of certain entities, such as a corporate board of director, must be kept and are important legal documents.

The person who write minutes of meeting should:
  1. Know the purpose of the minutes of meeting
  2. Follow the right format
  3. Keep concise
  4. Keep it record 
This 4 important criteria should be considered by the writer before start to write it down. By following this criteria it can help you to write an effective minutes of meeting. 

Posted by:
Hilmi :)

Task #3 (What is Memo is all about).

Hye everyone! i`m Faiq Syukri , now its time for me to express my reflection about how to construct a effective memo, using a correct format and what should have inside the memo.

 I have learn something new about doing this work, when we want to do some memo calling for meeting, a good memo should : 
  • grab readers attention.
  • provide information,make recommendation, or asked for an action.
  • explain for benefit to readers
  • mention next step and deadline
  • lastly as a convenient channel to communicate
there have many  type of memo like:
  • information memo
  • problem-solving memo
  • persuasion memo
  • internal memo
the component that should have inside a memo:
  • who is calling the meeting?
  • what is the purpose of the meeting?
  • what`s on the agenda?
  • date,time and location.
  • is the meeting mandatory?
  • will food be provided?
  • and how long is the meeting?
Format of memo:
                                              COMPANY`S NAME


The contents or information in the memo.

Sample of memo

Task #2 (Meetings)

Today, I learn a new topics and the topic is about Meetings. At first, I thought that, its only a general one where one person meet with another person and discuss for several hours about any issues or problem and try to find the best possible solution. I guess that is not enough to describe in detail about meetings. What is actually a meeting is all about?

Well during the lecture class, our beloved lecturer, again told us to seat together in group and brainstorming to find information about meeting and present it in front of the class. I guess, brainstorming nowadays really important in term of generating ideas. Thus, you cannot depend only on one idea right?  Well, lets get back to the topic. After brainstorming among group members, we finally find the meaning and information about it. A meeting actually is a gathering of people to present or exchange information, plan joint activities, make decisions, or carry out actions already agreed upon. Almost every group activity or project requires a meeting, or meetings, of some sort.

Group 1 present their ideas
Best idea so far for group 3
I think my group did well on the presentation also not to forget other too did well. I remember at one time during my group presentation, I find out that one of my group member, Maziar seem not agree or not satisfied with the question asked by the other group. Well I guess he present with full enthusiasm... hehehe credits to him because manage to answer all the question. Well done. I guess that's is for now till be continue.....

Posted by:
Hilmi :)

Tooling Exhibition for Academia Week

Yeah, as you can see on the title, its the Tooling Exhibition that going to be our main event for the special week. Its kinda not so fun event but we think this event might be interesting since that this its related with engineering field. Hopefully in this exhibition, many student can come and visit our showroom and can share knowledge and experience regarding with tooling industry. Well some of you might did not familiar with tool and die. Well here some photo that we can share with you.

On that event, we plan to include some activities to make it interesting and attractive. Well the event will include:
  1. Video presentation about the introduction of tooling, process of making a tooling and also how its made.
  2. A talk session with real Tool maker and Tool Specialist (open to all student and TND Student are compulsory).
  3. Sample of real Industrial tooling and the prototype of tool and dies, moulds and jigs.
  4. Sample of product produced by tool and die.
  5. List of tooling company for job seekers.
  6. List of job vacancies for tool and die final year student.
We also plan to do several industrial visit among the members to interview some of the real tooling guys to get detail information, exposure and experience from them and can be used in our event and to share with Iprom student. We hope this event will be successful, Insyaallah.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Task #1 (Planning an event for Academia week)

Today, my group receive a task to plan an event for the Academia week that will be held on the middle of March. Before proceed with the task, each group seat together and brainstorming ideas. During the brainstorming session, I was surprise with all the idea from my group members. All the ideas was good and brilliant. Im happy that my idea have been accepted by all members without any obstruction. Later on that session, we transfer the idea on a piece of A3 size paper and need to present it in front of all student and lecturer. All group present well and some are not to convince with their idea maybe they not think deep enough. But overall they present well.

Our 1st day in Professional Communication class.

Hi everyone we meet again.

Today, seem to be a very interesting day because every Procom student get a chance to meet new friends and cant wait to know what is actually do we all learn in this Professional Communication class. The lecturer that going to teach and guide us is Mrs. Hasmawati. She seem to be very friendly and always smiling to all student and we felt so comfirtable learning with her. We hope that, we can have a great relationship with her and everyone in this class.... to be continue...

Posted by:
Hilmi :)

An introduction of our Dynaprocom group.

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone, we are the 'Dynaprocom' group would like to introduce our group members. Since this is our 1st time to post a blog hopefully it will be interesting from time to time. First of all let us introduce the members of Dynaprocom. 
Mohd Hilmi Shah
Mohd Faiq Shukri
Nurashikin Rasul
